020 8398 1267 
Welcome to CrossFit Esher. We’re Matthew Lawrence, a Physiotherapist & Personal Trainer and Liz Fisher, a Yoga teacher. We’re absolutely passionate about family fitness – with our young sons Jackson and Cooper growing up at CrossFit Esher, our aim is to spread a ‘Fitness For All’ ethos across our local community! 
We first experienced CrossFit on honeymoon in San Francisco in 2012 and loved the way we could finally train together. When we returned from honeymoon we put the wheels in motion to create our own Box (the name given to a CrossFit gym). 
CrossFit Esher started in late 2013 in Kingston and grew steadily. It soon became clear that we needed our own venue and in August 2016 we moved to a temporary marquee at Imber Court. In February 2018 we moved to a custom-built space in Imber Court – and it will be the “forever home” of CrossFit Esher. 
We love CrossFit because it makes you better- strength, mobility, endurance, the list could go on. It’s fun and inclusive. We can work out with people of all ages. It’s not about counting calories, it’s about counting kilos. 
A huge benefit of training at CrossFit Esher is Matt’s expertise as a highly experienced physiotherapist. With his professional guidance you will learn how to train and strengthen your body safely, an advantage whether or not you’ve experienced injury before venturing into the CrossFit Esher box. Whatever your age, experience or ability, CrossFit is fun, inclusive and an incredibly sociable method of training. It’s a fantastic way of not just making yourself stronger, healthier and fitter – but of making great friends too! 
Why not give it a go for yourself to see what all the excitement is about and finally achieve the fitness and strength results you have always wanted! Sign up as a new customer here, purchase a membership and get booking your classes.  
Members of Imber Court can try a class for FREE – just sign up as a new customer here and drop us an email to [email protected] providing your Imber Court Membership Number to book a free trial class. 
If you prefer, you might like to book a Personal Training session before jumping in with a membership. If so, just drop us an email to [email protected] 
Matt and Lizzie from Crossfit 2012